



Pygmalion - the flower girlPygmalion is a play written by George Bernard Shaw. It was first performed in 1914. It tells the story of Henry Higgins, a professor of phonetics. Phonetics is the study of speech sounds. Higgins makes a bet that he can transform a flower girl from the streets of London into a high clalady within six central idea of the play is that your life can be shaped by the way that you ard Shaw took the title Pygmalion from mythology. The Pygmalion myth features in Metamorphoses, a work by the Roman poet Ovid. In Ovid's telling of the story, Pygmalion is a lonely sculptor who carves an ivory statue representing his ideal of womanhood. He falls deeply in love with his own creation. He prays to Venus, the goddeof beauty and love who takes pity on him and brings the statue to scene takes place in Covent Garden market, where Freddy and his mother and sister have taken shelter from the rain. They are joined by the flower girl. The conversation is overheard by Henry Higgins, whose hobby it is to record overheard speech phonetically, so that he can recreate it exactly. He claims to be able to identify exactly where people come from based on the sound of their n from: Pygmalion: a play in five actsAuthor / Creator: George Bernard ShawPublisher: Constable and Company : 1918Copyright: By permission of the British Library BoardShelfmark: 11774.b.50


聖潔的靈魂-茶花女讀後感 我愛讀書,更愛讀《茶花女》這樣的好書,花女讀後感。 牆角里鑽出一朵茶花。一個陰冷、黑暗、潮溼、沒有陽光的牆角,糜爛是它的養料,讀後感《花女讀後感》。然而,這茶花卻比別的茶花,甚至別的任何一種花都漂亮,美得脫俗,美得驚人,美得如癡如醉。可凡是花都是嚮往陽光的。努力、再努力一點,在茶花碰觸到陽光那一剎那,在它因陽光的滋潤而嬌豔欲滴的那一剎那,無情的風折斷了花枝,讓它又倒在了陰冷的角落,無力再爬起,再去觸摸那伸手可及的陽光。上帝是仁慈的,爲了彌補命運對它的不公,沒讓它凋零後再死,而是讓它保持着美貌離開了世間。 瑪格麗特的愛情悲劇故事就是這樣的。一介弱質女流在放蕩且無目的的生命中找尋到了真愛,爲此放棄了自己習以爲常的大量物質享受,放棄了一切能使自己暫時快樂的糜爛生活習慣,只爲求能和最愛的人呆在一起。要從深陷的泥潭中爬出來,是要花很大的力氣和決心的,況且還要使自己最小程度地被泥水污染。瑪格麗特做到了,而且做的非常出色。可如此巨大的付出,換回的仍是人們的不理解和排擠,還有自私的人們的惡意中傷。巨大的阻力最終還是使瑪格麗特和愛人分開了,誤會使最愛的人再自己最需要安慰的時候羞辱她,這是何等痛苦的事情?也許真的只有死亡可以拯救她。是的,瑪格麗特死了,孤獨的死去,再也沒了活着時的奢華,以前無數的情人也忘了她。生前的'生活愈是轟動,死的時候就愈是冷清。 讀後感:亦或許,瑪格麗特並不是個完全的悲劇人物,至少,她得到了真愛,她的靈魂得到了淨化。貴婦人們只看到了她生活的奢侈和物質的享受,卻不知道她高尚的情操也是自己所望塵莫及的。希奇的資本主義上流社會的人們,明明鄙視放蕩的妓-女,卻又要逼良爲娼。假如瑪格麗特沒有生在這樣一個骯髒、虛僞、殘忍的資本主義時代,或許她就是聖母瑪利亞。可惜那樣的社會,那樣的時代,連聖母也會被玷污。而在瑪格麗特被玷污的軀殼下,頑強而又聖潔的靈魂正是讀者們暗暗哭泣的原因。 感謝小仲馬塑造了茶花女這樣一個可悲卻又可敬的漂亮女子。然而,希望那已死去的花朵再次從泥土中萌芽、重生的時候,遠離那陰暗的牆角,能天天和陽光爲伴,即使不再那麼漂亮,也不要重複前世的悲劇。