


abandon 指完全、永遠地放棄,尤指對之負有責任或義務者,放棄一個項目或計劃

desert 強調故意違背自己的義務、責任或誓言等

forsake 指遺棄以前所愛的人或事物,着重於斷絕情感上的'依戀 ake ones wife and children遺棄妻兒;forsake bad habits擯棄壞習慣

quit 指突然或出其不意地放棄,現一般指停止 work停止工作 exercises:

presence of mind never __ him.


ite some difficulties,theyre not going to __ the plan.

don rt ake

3.__ it out!

ake up rt

ld Schwarzenegger has __ the theater for politics.

rted ook anged_ presence of mind never deserted him.他從不失去鎮靜.

ite some difficulties,theyre not going to abandon the plan. 儘管他們遇到了一些困難,但並不打算放棄這個計劃.

it out!住嘴./住手.

ld Schwarzenegger has forsook the theater for politics

accessory,decoration,ornament 都含有一定的裝飾品之意