


bank "河岸,堤岸",指河流兩旁高出水面的地方

beach "海(湖,河)灘,水濱",指受潮水沖刷而形成的有細沙或卵石覆蓋的平緩的斜坡

coast "海岸,海岸線",是地理上的專用名詞,指海洋與陸地的分界線,有清晰的`邊界概念.它不能用來指河岸或湖岸.

seaside "海濱",尤指假日度假勝地

shorel "岸,濱",含義廣泛,可指圍繞海洋、河流及湖泊旁邊的陸地,含有與水相對的意味(in shore"近岸";on shore"在岸上,在陸上";off shore"離岸")

ghai lies on the east ____ of China.

h t ide

saw a boat about a mile from the ____.

e ide h

English people like to go to the ____ for their holidays and lying on the ____ in the sun.

e t ide h

old man used to sit on the river____ to fish.

t ide h

children are playing with sand along the ____.

el h t

ship stopped a little way off the ____.

t e h

ghai lies on the east __C__ of China. 上海位於中國東海岸.

h t ide

saw a boat about a mile from the __A__.他們在離海岸大約一英里處看到一條小船.

e ide h

English people like to go to the __C__ for their holidays and lying on the __D__ in the sun.許多英國人喜歡去海濱度假,並躺在海灘上曬太陽.

e t ide h

old man used to sit on the river__A__ to fish.那位老人過去常常坐在河岸上釣魚.

t ide h

children are playing with sand along the __B__.孩子們在海灘上玩沙.

el h t

ship stopped a little way off the __B__.船停在離岸不遠處.

t e h