
DDT, the most powerful pesticide the world had ever known,exposed nature’s vulnerability. Unlike most pesticides, which effect- __1__ tiveness is limited to destroy one or two types of insects, DDT is __2__ capable of killing hundreds of different kinds at once. Developed in 1939, it first distinguished itself during the World War II, cleaning __3__ South Pacific islands of malaria-caused insects for U.S. troops, while __4__in Europe being used as an effective de-lousing power. Its inventor was awarded by the Nobel Prize. __5__ When DDT became available for civilian use in 1945, there were only a few people who expressed the second thought about this __6__ new miracle compound. One was nature writer Edwin Way Teale,who warned, “A spray as discriminate as DDT can upset the economy __7__ of nature of all insects are good, but if they are killed, things __8__ go out of kilter right away.” Another was Rachel Carson, who wrote to the Reader’s Digest to propose an article about series of __9__ tests on DDT being conducted not far from which she lived in Maryland. __10__




roy—destroying。be limited to 詞組裏的to並不是不定式標記to,而是介詞to,要謹訪介詞to“冒充”不定式to。其他類似的詞組還有be opposed to, object to, get used to等等。考試

ning—clearing。clean和clear這對形近而且意近的動詞容易被混淆,但是clean指“使某地方沒有灰塵,使乾淨”,而clear強調“清理不需要的東西,而且clear 可與of連用,而clean很少。(這兩個詞的改錯之前也有遇到過,大家都要記住啦!)

ed—causing。此句中malaria-causing insects 相當於insects that caused malaria,因此是主動關係,所以應選擇-ing形式。

-/。the Nobel Prize實際上是award的`另一個賓語,還原成主動結構是…awarded the inventor the Nobel Prize.所以這裏應刪掉by。

-/。短語second thought或second thoughts意爲“仔細斟酌,三思”,如:Robert didn’t give a second thought to borrowing $2,000 from him.



9.^series-a。series這個名詞屬於單數複數同形,它經常與a和of構成詞組a series of表示“一系列的”。
