Unit 1 Welcome back 示例三

參考教案 教學建議

教學建議(Suggested teaching notes)



(一)情態動詞 may 用來請求允許及其應答。第1-4課均有對話。本單元只作三會要求,到第二學期第十八單元才轉爲四會。

(二)物質名詞 paper 及其數量的表示法: a piece/two/three/… pieces of paper。

(三)序數詞first, second, third 和 fourth. 以後每課都用序數詞標明課次,可隨課分散學習英語的序數詞。

(四)r音節的拼讀規則 ar [%:], er [+:], ir [+:], or [:+](也讀[&:], 見第20課),ur [+:], 安排在第4課。本冊的語音內容仍以拼讀規則爲中心,由音標到字母,使學生掌握某一個音標是哪個字母或字母組合的讀音,使他們再一次明確英語單詞的發音特點:一個字母特別是元音字母不只一個讀音,一個音素(即音標)也不只由一個字母或字母組合來構成的。




在介紹新語言項目時,可運用實物,如用紙片教 paper, piece, big, small, call; 用尺子教 long, short. 利用簡筆畫教 tall, short(參見《初中英語第二冊教學簡筆畫》第22-24頁)。還可以做動作,如教 welcome, call 以及利用學過的詞教新單詞,例如用名詞 shop 教動詞 shop 等。通過口語活動介紹四會詞,讓英語的詞語與有關的物品、動作、描述等直接發生聯繫,儘量減少或無需漢語介入,這符合語言學習的規律,然後很快放詞入句,連句成話,又聽又說,幫助學生用英語思維,做到反應迅速,表達流暢。

每單元的一次聽力練習必須按時完成。本單元的聽力練習在第2課(見分課教學步驟第5步),是長度爲100個詞的短文 Follow your teacher's instructions: Write your name in English on a piece of paper. 本單元的聽力練習與別的單元不同。這是一個較爲典型的功能性聽力訓練,也是一種交際性活動,是 completing a task。

本單元的閱讀訓練材料爲第3課第1部分的兩段對話 May I borrow your ruler? 教學方法與第1、2課的對話基本相同。可先提出兩個問題(見分課教學步驟第3課第5步),讓學生帶着問題聽教學錄音帶或教師的朗讀,也可找發音較好的一男生和一女生一起讀對話。接着二人或三人小組模仿跟讀,然後從邊看書到不看書進行表演。最後,做練習冊第2課練習2。先由學生個人準備,以增加閱讀,接着口頭做,最後筆頭做,第1、2題當堂抄寫;第3、4、5題佈置爲家庭作業。

閱讀能力的培養還需利用系列配套的《閱讀訓練》第二冊(Reading Practice, Book 2)。該書與教科書(Students' Book 2)同步。每單元配有3-5頁圖文並茂的閱讀材料及理解性練習。第一單元有2篇短文 The first day of term 和 Dick and the apple tree, 可在第3節或第4節課,抽10分鐘處理一遍。根據教學大綱規定,閱讀速度爲每分鐘40-50個詞,可用4分鐘讓學生默讀共208個詞的兩篇短文,2分鐘聽錄音或教師的朗讀(因教學大綱要求聽力的語速爲每分鐘90-100個詞),2-4分鐘口頭做第4頁的問答練習。文中的3個生詞 again, hungry和 reach,最好讓學生通過上下文和插圖猜測詞義或查閱書後所附的詞彙表。加強閱讀訓練,有助於鞏固所學語言,豐富語言知識,擴大詞彙量,培養和提高獨立閱讀的能力。



課內 家庭作業

第1課 練習3(先筆頭後口頭) 練習2(1,3,5,7),練習4

第2課 練習2(1,2) 練習1,2(3,4,5)

第3課 練習1,2(填空) 練習2(問答),練習3

第4課 聽寫(見第4課第6步) 練習2,3

語音教學是經常性的。在教學新詞時,可以充分利用每單元第4課第1部分的 Word families (詞羣),指導學生系統歸納英語的基本拼讀規則,使他們逐漸具備按照26個字母及有關字母組合的拼讀規則(參見《初中英語教學指導與參考》第二冊第65-69頁)來朗讀、拼寫和記憶英語單詞的能力。另外,在各種口語活動中,要求學生注意運用正確的英語語調,包括句子重音、停頓、連讀、不完全爆破及句調(特別是升調)等。我們要隨時發現問題,及時科學地糾正。

本單元的語音重點足r音節的拼讀規則。除了口筆頭做練習冊第1課練習1和第4課練習1外,結合教科書第4課第1部分 Word families 中的例詞,加上熟詞和生詞,補編下列鞏固r音節拼讀規則的語音練習,供教師選用:

ar[%:] er[+:] ir[+:] or[+:] ur[+:]

car her sir word fur

far were bird work burst

arm fern chirp worm curve

farm germ first wort hurt

hard merge girl world lurch

large perk shirt worse nurse

start serve skirt worst surge

yard term third worth turn

詞彙教學 除了上述利用實物、動作、圖片、簡筆畫等不同手段以外,還應結合基本拼讀規則,教學每個單元的新詞語。四會詞語除聽說外,應要求抄寫造句,讓學生養成習慣,學一個四會詞語,真正做到聽說讀寫、四會結合、學好記牢。

本單元的語法教學利用教科書第4課複習要點 1(Checkpoint 1)所提供的語法(Grammar)內容,複習動詞現在進行時態:各種人稱的單複數,陳述句的肯定和否定形式以及疑問句(一般式和特殊式)及其答語。口筆頭回答教科書第3課第2部分的7個問題,並圍繞插圖的內容進行看圖說話和看圖寫話(即練習冊第3課練習3)。系統總結歸納這個時態的用法和動詞的形態變化:以不發音的字母e結尾的動詞去e加 ing,如: having, closing; 重讀閉音節結尾僅有一個輔音字母的動詞雙寫該字母再加 ing,如: sitting, shopping; 以及一般的動詞只加 ing, 如:knowing, carrying, wearing [>w#+inR], looking, listening.

參考教案 Unit 1 Welcome back 教學參考資料 示例三

教學參考資料 (Reference for teaching)

補充註釋(Additional notes)

1.Good morning, sir. 先生,早晨好。

sir 是對男士的尊稱,學生對男教師的稱呼。根據教師的性別,稱爲Miss…或Mr…。英語國家的學生稱呼教師在不帶姓氏時,就稱呼 Sir 或 Madam, 口語中人們常用 ma'am 代替 madam。

2. Welcome back to school. 歡迎回校。

這是句日常交際用語,表示歡迎對方來某處,再如: Welcome to China! 歡迎來華!Welcome to Beijing! 歡迎到北京來! Welcome home! 歡迎歸來!要提醒學生不要說Welcome you to…。請注意第一冊第66課學過 You're welcome. 意思是“不用謝”

3.term 的詞組 this term(這學期)和 next term(下學期),前面都不加介詞。又如this week/month/year/time, next week/month/year/time。


first(1st) second(2nd) third(3rd) fourth(4th) twenty-first(21st) thirty-second(32nd) forty-third(43rd) fifty-fourth(54th)

括號中爲簡寫形式,由阿拉伯數字後面加上該序數詞的最後兩個字母 -st, -nd, -rd或 -th。

5.call one's names 叫某人的名字(點名)

call me Lily 叫我莉莉

教師點名時,聽到教師叫自己的名字,該學生起立,答道:“Here!”或“I'm here. ”缺席的學生,由別的學生代答:“Not here. ”

6.OK? 用升調說,表示疑問,意思“好嗎?”、“行嗎?”、“可以嗎?”,寫時加問號。

7.Teacher: …(calling) Ma Lili: (standing up)…

calling 和 standing up 都指說話人的動作,在對話或劇本中出現,可用動詞的ing形式,放括號內,一般用斜體。

8.Next, er…下一個,呃……

這裏 next爲副詞。在next time(下次)中的 next爲形容詞,前面不加介詞。

9.Yes? 用升調說,表示你願意和對方說話,再如:

A:Sir B:Yes?

A: May I have my book now? B: Certainly. Here you are.

10.May I come in, please? 請問我可以進來嗎?

May I have a piece of pap? r, please? 我可以要一張紙嗎?

May I borrow a pencil, please? 我可以借一支鉛筆嗎?

May I(we)…? 是請求允許的日常交際用語,可有不同的答語,見教學大綱第13頁《日常交際用語簡表》12以及練習冊第2課練習2。

11. I'm sorry I'm late. 對不起我遲到了。

這是帶賓語從句的主從複合句。在口語中,賓語從句 I'm late前的引導詞 that 可省。

12.It doesn't matter. 沒關係。

當別人向你道歉時,你說 It doesn't matter. 是告訴對方你不介意,他不必擔心。

13. time 作爲“次”或“次數”講,是可數名詞,有複數形式,如: five times, many times. 在英語中, once(第二冊第100課)表示“一次”(不用one time), twice(第三冊第31課)表示“兩次”(不用two times)。而 time 作爲“時間”講,是不可數名詞,沒有複數形式,如: What's the time now? It's time to go home. time這個詞一詞多義。一詞多義是英語詞彙中常見的現象。

14.one 除了是數詞外,還可以是代詞。注意下列各句中 one 的用法及譯法:

Here, take this one. 來,拿上這支。

Do you have a black one? 你有支黑的嗎?

Who has a long one? 誰有一把長的?

I have one here, Mr Wu. 吳老師,我這兒有一把。

參考教案 Unit 1 Welcome back 教學步驟 Lesson 1 示例三

教學步驟(Teaching steps)

Lesson 1

Note:As this is the first lesson, spend up to two class periods on it. Steps 1-4 could occupy the first lesson. This will give you more time to get to know the class and for them to get to know you. It will also give you time to build up a good relationship with the students .

Step 1 Introduction

Greet the Ss by saying Good morning, class! Welcome back to school! If you know the Ss, go round and greet some individually:

Good morning, (Name)! How are you? And repeat Welcome back to school with gestures. If you do not know the Ss, say My name is…Then say to some Ss Good morning! What's your name? How are you?

Get the Ss to greet those around them.

Step 2 Presentation

Say Good morning, class. Welcome back to school. Show the meaning of Welcome back with a gesture. Teach this dialogue:

T:Welcome back to school!

Ss:Thank you, sir!

Practise with individual Ss.

Step 3 Practice

SB page 1, Part 1. Speech Cassette Lesson 1. Write on the board: Lesson One, the first lesson. Say Open your books at page 1, the first lesson. Explain first.

Play the first dialogue. Ss listen and repeat, then practise in pairs, using their own names instead of class and sir. Get some pairs to act out the dialogue.

Step 4 Presentation

Hold up a piece of paper with the names of the Ss on it. Say This is a piece of paper. These are your names. Let me call your names ‘I'm here’. OK? Read the names and help the Ss to say I'm here! (or Not here! for an absentee).

Play the second dialogue in SB page 1, Part 1, then practise it with the Ss . Note the directions calling and standing up. Tell the Ss that these are instructions. Demonstrate their meanings.

Briefly remind the Ss of the Present Continuous Tense (What am 1 doing? I'm standing up. Now I'm sitting down, etc).

Step 5 Presentation

Revise the names of classroom objects: book, pencil, pen, etc.

Teach paper, a piece of paper and May I borrow… please? Ask individual Ss. Help them to answer Certainly! Here you are!

Collect the items on your desk. Discuss each item with the class: What colour is it? Is it heavy?

Whose is it? etc.

Revise broken. Pick up a broken object and say I'm sorry, it's broken. Help them to answer It doesn't matter. I can mend it.

SB page 1, Part 2. Speech Cassette Lesson 1. Play the tape and read through the dialogue with the Ss. Explain that But come to school earlier next time is a warning following It doesn't matter. Give some more examples: I'm sorry.

Your pen is broken. -It doesn't matter. But use your own pen next time.

Step 6 Practice

Ss practise the dialogue in pairs. Get some Ss to act it out.

Step 7 Workbook

Wb Lesson 1, Exx. 1-4. Ex.1 helps Ss to learn how to pronounce the new words in the last column by revising the old words. Meanwhile, they can revise the vowels /e/, /&:/, /$/, /+:/and /ei/. Exx. 2 and 3 help consolidate the dialogues in this lesson. For Ex. 4, do an example with the Ss, using I'm sorry,… -It doesn't matter. Let me… Then get the Ss to work in pairs.

Check the answers.


Do Wb Lesson 1, Exx. 3 and 4 in the exercise books.

參考教案 Unit 1 Welcome back 教學步驟 Lesson 2 示例三

Lesson 2

Step 1 Revision

Greet the class. Ask What's the date today?

Help the Ss to answer, e. g. It's September 2nd, 1996. Keep doing this in every lesson from now on.

Revise the names of objects by playing the What's in my bay? game. Collect a number of familiar items, discuss their colour, weight, size, etc. with the Ss and put the items in a bag. Then get the Ss to describe the items in the bag one by one.

Revise I'm sorry, it's broken and It doesn't matter and practise dialogues with the Ss using the items.

Step 2 Presentation

Write on the board: Lesson Two, the second lesson.

Say Today let's learn Lesson 2-the second lesson. Repeat the word second.

Teach long and short by showing the class two rulers, or pieces of wood. Say This ruler is long. This one is short. Ss listen and repeat. Ask Is this ruler long or short?

Teach tall in the same way, by drawing two boys, one tall and one short, on the Bb. Revise a piece of paper and teach a big/small piece of paper in the same way. Note the position of big/small before piece, not paper. Teach two/three pieces f paper (never papers).

SB page 2, Part 1. Speech Cassette Lesson 2. Ss listen and repeat. Then books closed! Point to a ruler/piece of paper/ picture on the Bb and ask What's this? Get the Ss to say It's a long ruler/big piece of paper/tall boy, etc.

Step 3 Presentation

Ask individual Ss Excuse me! May I borrow a ruler, please? Help them to answer Certainly! Here you are. Then say Thanks. Oh, sorry, this is short, Do you have a long one, please? Help the Ss to answer Oh, yes, I do or Sorry! I don't.

Step 4 Practice

SB page 2, Part 2. Speech Cassette Lesson 2. Ss listen and repeat, then practise in pairs. Contrast borrow (for an item that will be returned after use) and have (for an item that will not be returned ).

SB page 2, Part 3. Ss make three new dialogues.

Get some pairs to act theirs out.

Step 5 Listening

Read the following listening text. Demonstrate what the Ss have to do as you speak. Do not move on until the Ss have carried out an instruction.

Listening text

Do you all have a piece of paper like this? Hold it like this, and fold it in half like this.

Write your name in Chinese on one side, here; on the other side, write your name in English.

Begin your family name and your first name with a capital letter - a big letter. But use small letters for the other letters in your name.

When you finish writing your name, put the piece of paper on your desk.

Put it on your desk so I can see your names in English!

This will help me to know your names!

When the Ss have finished the exercise, talk to some of the Ss, like this: Hello, (Name). How are you?

Step 6 Workbook

Wb Lesson 2, Exx. 1-3.

Ex. I is a written exercise. The answers are: a bottle of milk, four small pieces of paper, two long rulers, five bottles of water, eight pieces of bread, six small bags of tea, one big bag of rice, two kilos of fish.

Ex. 2 may be done orally in class. The answers are: 1-d, 2 -e, 3 -b, 4 -a, 5 -c.

Ex.3 may be done orally first, and then in writing. The missing words are: Excuse me;

Certainly; this one; Thanks: Do you have a small one?; I don't.


Finish off the workbook exercises.

參考教案 Unit 1 Welcome back 教學步驟 Lesson 3 示例三

Lesson 3

Step 1 Revision

Write on the board: Lesson Three, the third lesson .

Revise the dialogues in SB page 2, Part 2 and Part 3.

Step 2 Practice

Get the Ss, first as a class, then individually, to respond correctly to random statements, like this:

T: How do you do!

A: How do you do !

T: How are you!

B: Fine, thanks.

T: May I borrow your pen?

C: Certainly! Here you are/Take this one.

T: Welcome back to school!

D: Thank you, sir.

T: My name's What's yours?


Step 3 Read and act

SB page 3, Part 1. Speech Cassette Lesson 3.

Books closed! Ask What does Mr Wu want?

Who helps him? Play the tape for the Ss to find the answers. Then play the first part of the dialogue again. Ss listen and repeat, then practise in pairs, changing a ruler to a piece of chalk or other objects. Ask some pairs to act out their dialogue. Play the second part of the dialogue. Ss listen and repeat, then practise in threes. Get some groups to act out the whole dialogue. See if any can do it without books!

Step 4 Presentation

Ask individual Ss to perform actions: Please open the door/close the window, etc. As the Ss perform the actions, ask the class What is he/she doing? Help the class to answer He/She's opening the door/closing the window.

Ask What is… wearing? Get the class to describe Ss' clothing, using He/She's wearing…Briefly revise the forms and use of the Present Continuous Tense.

Step 5 Ask and answer

SB page 3, Part 2. Do the first two questions with the whole class. Then Ss ask and answer in pairs. Check the answers.

Step 6 Workbook

Wb Lesson 3, Exx. 1-3.

Ex. 1 may be done orally first, then in writing.

Ex. 2 is done in writing. Remind the Ss that the Present Simple Tense is used for general facts and statements. Let the Ss write their answers before discussing orally the questions at the end of the exercise. The questions could be answered in writing for homework. (The answers are: teaches, is, likes, speaks, like, is, goes, has, are, are, look, wear, loves, play, calls )

Ex. 3 is an oral exercise. (Optional)


Revise the new words and structures in this unit. Write the answers to the questions in Ex. 2.

If there is time, write some sentences in answer to the questions in Ex. 3.

參考教案 Unit 1 Welcome back 教學步驟 Lesson 4 示例三

Lesson 4

Note: The aim of Part 1 -Word families is to revise spelling rules as well as English sounds and transcriptions .

Step 1 Revision

Revise the Present Continuous Tense by miming an action. Get the Ss to guess what you are doing: You're flying a kite! You're riding a bike! etc.

Ask some Ss to come and mime other actions for the class to guess .

Step 2 Word families

Write on the board: Lesson Four, the fourth lesson.

SB page 4, Part 1. Speech Cassette Lesson 4. Ss listen and repeat. Note that the letters at the top of each list show the different spellings that are used for each sound. Practise these sounds individually before practising the whole words.

Show the Ss a flashcard and ask them to pronounce the word written on it.

Do Wb Ex. 1. The answers are: short, thank, young, love.

Step 3 Presentation

Get the class to count quickly from 1 to 100, pointing to individual Ss at random and asking them to give the next number in sequence.

Ask questions about the class: How many girls/boys are there in this class? How many Young Pioneers are there? How many students like basketball/ swimming/flying kites? etc.

Step 4 Practice

SB page 4, Part 2. Read through the table with the Ss and ask some questions about it. Then Ss ask and answer in pairs, making up their own questions.

Step 5 Checkpoint 1

Discuss the Grammar section in Checkpoint 1 with the Ss, drilling, giving examples and explaining difficult points when necessary.

Practise the pronunciation of the “useful expressions” and give examples of their use.

Step 6 Test

Give the Ss a short dictation test:

At school, * all the students* are working hard* today. *Lucy and Lily* are cleaning the classroom. *Jim is carrying* some books* in a big box. *Li Lei is putting* his ruler and eraser* in his pencil-box. *What about Polly? * Oh, *Polly is sleeping!

Write the English names: Lucy, Lily, Jim, Polly on the Bb if your Ss find it hard to spell them.

Step 7 Workbook

Wb Lesson 4, Exx. 2-4.

Ex. 2 may be done orally first, and then in writing. Check the answers.

For Ex. 3, get the Ss to fill in the blanks with appropriate words.

Ex. 4 is optional. Read through the dialogue with the Ss. The Ss practise it in pairs. Get some pairs to act it out.


Finish off the Workbook exercises.

Get Ss to do Ex. 2 in their exercise books.