


2008年5月12日, 我國四川省發生了7.8級特大地震。人民的生命財產遭受了極大的損失。

災情緊急 救災現場

1. 建築被夷爲平地,大量的.人員被埋在廢墟底下

2. 道路和通訊設施被毀,與外界失去了聯繫

3. 許多中小學校校舍坍塌,只有少數師生得以逃生

4.連日大雨增加了救援的難度 1.溫家寶總理第一時間趕到現場安慰災民 並親自指揮救援。

部隊醫療隊趕赴受災地點, 冒着生命危險連日奮戰。









On May 12th , 2008, a worst earthquake in the past decades struck Sichuan province, China. People suffered great loss in their lives and properties.

One possible version:

On May 12th , 2008, a worst earthquake in the past decades struck Sichuan Province, China. People suffered great loss in their lives and properties.

Most buildings were razed in worst-hit areas with so many people, including school students, buried underneath the ruins. Roads and communication facilities have been completely destroyed ,thus cut off from outside. A large number of school buildings collapsed and only a few teachers and students escaped. What was worse, days of rain has held back relief efforts.

Fortunately, our government is taking effective measures to rescue those trapped and buried. Premier Wen Jiabao was quick to reach the scene and personally oversaw the relief work. "As long as there is even a little hope, we will redouble our efforts 100 times and will never relax our efforts,” he told crying locals. Troops and medical teams have been rushed to dig for survivors and treat the injured without a moment’s rest. The population in the surrounding countryside is helping donating food and water for those affected. Financial aid has been pouring in from all over China. Substantial donations from other countries and humanitarian organizations have also been offered.

I believe we can certainly overcome the disaster with the public and the government working together.