my dream job英語作文(優秀)

根據漢語提示及要求,以"My Dream Job"爲題用英語寫一篇短文。

my dream job英語作文(優秀)

提示: 1. 想成爲一名記者。

2. 打算給報紙、雜誌寫文章。

3. 高中畢業後想去北京上大學。

4. 想在一家電臺工作並環遊世界。

要求: 1. 條理清楚,語句通順,語法正確,書寫規範;

2. 提示內容全部體現在文章中;

3. 不少於60詞。


  My Dream Job

When I grow up, I'm going to be a journalist. Next year, I'm going to write articles for magazines and newspapers. I'm going to a university in Beijing after high school. Maybe I'm going to find a part-time job and save some money. Next, I'm going to work for a TV station as a journalist. Then I'm going to travel all over the world.

