




Module 8 Book 5 的主題是“School”,“ Unit 1 What time does school start?”的語言功能是描述學校生活;學習任務爲“What time does school start? What time do you get up?”





1、能聽懂、會說並認讀下列單詞:exercise, before, playground, skip, coffee, tea.

2、能聽懂、會說並認讀下列句子:What time does school start? My school starts at 9 o’clock. What time do you get up? I get up at half past seven.


能口頭運用“What time does school start?”這類語句詢問發生的時間,並能口頭運用“My school starts at 9 o’clock.”這類語句回答。





1.單詞:exercise, before, playground, skip, coffee, tea 的認讀。

2.運用“What time … ?”來詢問事情發生的時間。


能夠在真實的語境中正確運用“What time … ?”詢問事情發生的時間。




Step 1 Warming-up

1. Chant:《I like coffee, I like tea.》(第二冊中M3 U2 4)

教師一手拿coffee 一手拿tea的英語單詞卡片示意學生一起拍手說Chant,並教授單詞:coffee, tea。(教授單詞時儘量提供一些學過的詞彙,鼓勵學生自己讀出來,培養學生的拼讀能力。)

Step 2 Presentation

1. Leading-in.

(1)課件出示學校的圖片介紹說:This is our school. Do you read a book in your classroom?


T: What are they doing? They are skipping. Do you skip in the playground?

They are doing morning exercises.

(3)課件出示學校作息時間表引出句型:What time does our

school start? 及回答:My school starts at eight o’clock.

T:We know the school life in China, how about the children in England? Today,let’s go and visit their school with Amy.


2. Text.

(1)Listen to the tape.

T: Our school starts at 8:00. What time does Amy’s school

start? Do you know? Let’s listen to the tape and answer the question:

What time does Amy’s school start?

【設計意圖】由學校生活自然要談到幾點上課的問題,學生對此問題的提出不會感到唐突。由教師對Our school starts at 8:00.的講解,孩子們也一定急於知道英國學生的上課時間,從而初步感知課文內容,瞭解課文大意。

(2)Listen to the tape again.

T: I get up at 5:30. What time do you get up?

T: You get up at … And you go to school by schoolbus or walk to school and so on. How about Amy? Let’s listen again and answer the following questions:

① What time does Amy go to school?

② How does Amy go to school?

A. She walks to school. B. She goes to school by schoolbus.


(3)Look and say.

課件出示get up/watch TV/go to bed/have English/read a book/go to school的圖片讓學生進行交流。

A: What time do you get up?

B: I get up at




本課時教學是依據小學英語PEP教材四年級上冊第四單元A部分 Let’s learn和Let’s do設計而成。


這個課時的教學目標本來主要是:1、讓學生掌握單詞study, bathroom, bedroom, living room,kitchen聽說與認讀。2、能說唱“Let’s do”部分的內容並能做出相應的動作。本人根據學生的實際程度和課程理念出發,又增加了兩個教學目標:1、能聽說詞彙watch TV, read a book, have a snack, take a shower, have a sleep。2、完成一個交際任務:介紹自己的家。採用了新課標倡導的“任務型”教學途徑。 在教學中,新單詞的教學都應在一定的語言情境中呈現,並結合學生已經學過的`語言結構、富有韻律和動感的“Let’s do”以及學生所喜好的歌曲和遊戲活動進行大面積操練,鞏固新語言,最後給出新語言框架:This is my home. You can see a living room, a bedroom, a …. I can watch TV in the living room, I can read a book in the study …. Welcome to my home!,通過老師示範、尖子生示範,讓學生學會介紹自己的家,並在交際活動中活化新語言,完成學習任務。


1.能聽、說、認讀單詞study, bathroom, bedroom, living room和kitchen,並能在實際情景中加以運用。

2.能聽懂併發出一些指令,如:Go to the living room/ …. Watch TV. Read a book. Have a snack. Take a shower. Have a sleep.

3.能用下列語言簡單介紹自己的家:This is my home. You can see a living room, a bedroom, a …. I can watch TV in the living room, I can read a book in the study ….



1.能聽、說、認讀單詞study, bathroom, bedroom, living room和kitchen,並能在實際情景中加以運用。



能理解並會說Have a snack. Take a shower. Have a sleep.等語言,並能用下列語言簡單介紹自己的家:This is my home. You can see a living room, a bedroom, a …. I can watch TV in the living room, I can read a book in the study ….




3.教師準備study, bathroom, bedroom, living room和kitchen的單詞卡片。


Step1: Warm-up(熱身導入)


T: Boys and girls, look at the screen. Today, our topic is “My home”. Who can read? (ask some Ss to read the topic)

In this class, we’re going to talk about “home”, everybody here should learn to introduce your home to us. OK?

Ss: OK.

2.Sing a song In the classroom

T: First, let’s sing a song, OK?

Ss: OK.

Step2: Presentation(新課呈現)

1.教學living room

(唱完歌曲,多媒體出示一幅living room的圖片。)

T: Is this a classroom?

Ss: No.

T: What is it?

Ss: Living room.

T: Yes. This is a living room. Follow me:living room,

Ss: (read one by one)

T: What can you see in the living room?

Ss: I can see a table, a sofa, a …, a TV.

T: Let’s watch TV, OK?

Ss: OK. living room.

T:(多媒體出示一幅TV圖。) Do you like watching TV?

S1: Yes.

T: Let’s go to the living room and watch TV.

S1: OK.

T: Go, go, go. Go to the living room, watch TV. Let’s go together. S1: Go, go, go. Go to the living room, watch. TV.



T: Is this a living room?

Ss: No.

T: Oh, we’ve got the wrong way. What is it?

Ss: A study.

T: Yes, this is a study. Follow me: study,study.

Ss: (read one by one)

T: What

can you do in the study?

Ss: Read a book.

T: (多媒體出示短語read a book。) Do you like reading books? Ss: Yes.

T: Let’s go to the study and read a book. Go, go, go. Go to the study, read a book.


T: Oh, I’m tired. I feel a little hungry. I want to have some snack. (教師拿

出一些小點心,並吃上一塊。) Do you want to have a snack? S1: Yes.

T: Here you are. Have a snack. Who want to have snack?

Ss: I want to have a snack.

T: Oh, snacks are gone. Where can we get some?

Ss: Go to the kitchen.

T: (多媒體出示kitchen圖片和單詞) Follow me:kitchen, kitchen. Ss: (read one by one)

T: Let’s go to the kitchen, have some snack. Go, go, go. Go to the kitchen, have a snack.


T: (多媒體出示一些傢俱和小電器。) Look at these things. Can you help them get home?

Ss: Put the TV in the living room./ Put the ….

T: Oh, where should the bed go?

Ss: Go to the bedroom.

T: (多媒體出示bedroom圖片和單詞。) Follow me:bedroom,bedroom.

Ss: (read one by one)

T: Let’s sing a song “My bedroom”, OK?

Ss: OK.


一、 學習需要分析:




(1)能聽說、認讀man, father, grandfather, woman, mother和grandmother等單詞; (2)能靈活運用This is my family/mother/father…句型;

(3)掌握句型 Whos that woman? Shes my mother./Whos that man? Hes my father .

















4、PPT教學課件(Father and mother兒歌網址:


1、 Warm up


一起邊說邊做前一課所學的Let us chant: A B C D E F G Father mother and me C D E F G A B Sing and dance under the tree

(2)日常口語對話 Hello, How are you? How old are you?

Where are you from? Nice to meet you! 設計意圖:營造輕鬆愉快的教學氣氛,抓住學生的注意力,吸引學生參加活動。與學生間對話,問候既可以縮短師生的距離又可以培養學生的交際能力


(1)口語對話結束之後,教師在黑板上粘貼“全家福”, 教師指着圖介紹This is my father /mother/sister…


This is my father (dad)/ mother (mum)/sister/brother … 遊戲1:對號入座

教師出示單詞卡片,如father(dad),學生迅速找到相應的照片,請反應最快的學生上臺將照片貼在正確的位置上,並大聲說出:I am…This is my dad.表達能力較強的學生還可以在教師的幫助下做進一步介紹,如:He is from China. He is a teacher. 設計意圖:通過遊戲活動使學生從一開始就有一種愉快的體驗,以至於使他們忘記了是在學習外語,在無意識注意中積極吸收活動所使用的語言。

(2)句型Who is this boy/girl?及回答

教師注意this的發音,讓學生感受this 和that的區別

T (引用舊句型)Who is that woman? S :She is my mother.

T : Who is that man? S :He is my father.

(引出新句型,感知的this and that的區別)

T: Who is this boy ?(注意問句的語音語調) S : He is my brother. T :Who is this girl? S : She is my sister.

學生跟讀Who's this boy/girl?之後,男女生互問互答,展示成果。 設計意圖:利用圖片的作用,引出新知識。以句子爲單位,有利於培養學生直接運用外語的能力。模仿朗讀的語言實踐練習,在助於培養學生的語言訓練技巧和語言習慣。

(3)句型Come on ! Let's watch TV.

教師在圖片外框用粉筆描繪出的TV框架 T: Come on ! Boys and girls.

Let’s watch TV.(做出電視的樣子)



S: Good! Great! Wonderful! (重點指導Great!)
