
一、 知識與技能目標:


1. 能聽懂、會說、認讀和書寫單詞:horse, animals, yes, no.

2. 能認讀、理解並使用下列句式進行對話或情景表演:

What animals can ____?

____ can ____.

Can a____ ____?

Yes, it can. / No, it can’t.

二、 情感態度目標:


三、 學習策略目標:

1 滲透字母組合的發音,讓學生掌握一定的發音規則,有利於單詞的識記。

2 通過pair work等活動使學生積極運用語言,學會與他人交流合作。

3. 課堂中的.評價語言集中在對學習內容的掌握、學生付出的努力以及期望他們發展的方向上。



1要求學生能夠聽懂、會說、認讀和書寫horse, animals, yes, no.

2 能夠運用句型進行對話或情景表演:What animals can ____? ____ can ____.

Can a____ ____?

Yes, it can. / No, it can’t.




Step1:Greeting and review

T: Good morning, boys and girls. So glad to see you today. Now let’s sing the song Old Macdonald Had a Farm. (播放歌曲視頻,教師和學生邊唱歌邊做動作。)


Step 2:Presentation

(1)T: Very well, thank you. Sit down please. What can you see on a farm?

S1/S2/S3: I can see dogs/cows/pigs…

T: Now can you guess? What’s this?(投影呈現課本No 2的內容,同時呈現Is this a ____? 句型,引導學生用本句型猜動物。)

S1: Is this a ____?

T: Maybe.

S2: Is this a _____?

T: Perhaps.

S3: Is this a _____?

T: I’m not sure. Let’s see. Oh, it’s a pig(師生齊說). The next one...(教師繼續播放圖片,學生繼續猜)

設計意圖:複習學過的動物單詞和句型Is this a ____?

Step 2 Presentation

T: Good job. Here’s a new one. (用書遮擋馬圖片的一部分,讓學生繼續猜) What’s this?

S1/S2: Cow/sheep/horse…

T: Let’s see. It’s a horse. (在馬的簡筆畫旁板書horse),“or”says /:/. Follow me, horse, horse, this is a horse.

T(面向S1/S2):Can you say it?

S1: Horse.

T: It’s a horse.

S2: It’s a horse.

S3: It’s a horse.

T: (指向一匹馬) This is a white horse, and (找同學來接)

S: This is a brown horse.

T:(出示羣馬圖)These are ...

Ss: These are horses.

T: Follow me, horses.

Ss: Horses.

T: Let’s see a horse has …(教師用手指着圖片中馬的腿,提示學生來對馬進行描述)

S1/S2/S3: A horse has four legs/two years/a tail…

T: Not bad. Another one. What’s this? (採用同樣的方法呈現兔子)

S: 兔子。

T: Rabbit. (板書rabbit) “a”says //. Follow me, rabbit, rabbit, it is a rabbit.(同理教學rabbit)

A horse is an animal. (板書animal) A rabbit is an animal. Horses and rabbits are animals.

T: We have learnt so many animals. Can you tell me what animals can run? (板書What animals can ___?)

S: Dogs.

T: Good. Dogs can run.(板書___ can ___.)

T: What else animals can run?

S1/S2/S3/S4:___ can run.

T: What animals can …?(做出游泳的動作,示意學生來提問)

S: What animals can swim?

S1/S2/S3: Fish/Dogs/Ducks can swim.

S: What animals can jump?

S1/S2/S3: Rabbits/… can jump.

S: What animals can fly?

S1/S2/S3: Birds/… can fly.

T: Can a chicken fly? (板書Can a ___ ___?)

Ss: Yes.

T: Yes, it can. (板書此句) Can a chicken swim?

Ss: No.

T: No, it can’t. (板書此句) Can a ...?(舉手示意學生來提問)

S: Can a ___ ___?

T: Answer.

S: ___ can ___.

Step 3 Listen and imitate

(1)T: Now Li Ming, Danny, and Jenny are talking about animals. Listen and fill in the blanks.(投影呈現問題,播放課文錄音)


--Can a ____ run? ( A. horse B. rabbit )

--____, it can. ( A. Yes B. NO )

--Can a horse fly?

--No, it ____. ( A. can B. can’t)

—What ________ can fly? (A. arms B. animals)

—_______ can fly. (A. Chickens B. Birds )

(2) Listen and imitate.(跟讀錄音,培養正確的語音、語調、語感)



Step4 Practice

(1) T: Take out your pictures and make a dialogue with your partner like this. (找一位學生和老師對話,爲學生做出示範)

T:Can a chicken run?

S: Yes, it can.

T: Can a fish fly?

S: No, it can’t.

T: What animals can fly?

S: Birds can fly.

T: Now do it with your partner. (Three minutes later) Who wants to show your dialogue? Let’s see, who is better?

(2)T: Let’s play another game, guess an animal. (教師示範:拿一張圖片放在頭頂,問學生Can it ...? Is it a ...? 根據學生的回答來猜出圖片上的動物是什麼。) Now play the game with your partner.

OK, now who wants to try? No more than five questions, or you can not get the point. This girl, please. (此學生把圖片頂在頭頂,通過問答來猜測動物。男女生分組,順利猜出者可爲本組掙得一分。)

T: Let’s sing a song. 投影呈現內容如下:

Can a rabbit jump? Can a rabbit jump?

Yes, it can. Yes, it can.

Rabbits can jump. Rabbits can jump.

Can you jump? Can you jump?

Can a horse run? Can a horse run?

Yes, it can. Yes, it can.

Horses can run. Horses can run.

Can you run? Can you run?

Step5:Class closing.

T: Today we have learnt three new words and these sentences(師手指向板書,學生讀出新單詞和新句型). According these, I prepare a riddle for you. Can you guess?

(投影呈現謎語:It is an animal.

It lives in water.(它生活在水裏)

It can swim.

It has no legs(沒有腿).

What is it?


T:(學生猜出後)So great. In this class, which team wins at last? … wins the game. Congratulations! Let’s clap your hands for them.

Today’s homework: 選一種你喜歡的小動物,用上我們今天學習的內容,編一條謎語,比一比誰編制的謎語最有趣,最高明!Time’s up. Goodbye, class.